Sunday, April 22, 2012

"Been There Wrecked it" Nedbank Gardens Implosion - Rosebank

Today got off a fun start as my godson, Jonathan and I headed up to the Rosebank Mall bright and early in order to get the best view point possible. Wreckers had closed of the roads around the Mall and the implosion site and I had luckily scouted out the best view points from the closed off area's. Our decision to arrive early for a good spot certainly paid off as we had a front view from close to the Rosebank Fire station on Bath Avenue. Being early meant that we had time to chat with some of the other early birds and got to meet a really wonderfully family who shared their knowledge of implosions with us so we knew what was happening and why. I'm also glad I took along my trusty friend  - My Nikon as I got the chance to record the implosion before, during and after.

The implosion ran like clock work, 30 minute warning siren right to the final count down and blowdown.
Watching the building going down was quite incredible and a sight to see.
What follows here are my pictures from when we arrived to when we left a now you see it now you don't look into the implosion of the Nedbank Gardens Building.

I'd alos like to the thanks Maureen and her family for including us in their fun today and sharing with us the fun of the implosion. A very special thanks must go to Emma and Mike for allowing us a behind the scenes peak into the site after the implosion and for the uber cool T shirts they gave us.

I've copied  the link to the Rosebank Killarney Gazzette's video clip of the implosion at the end of this blog.

Pre Blowdown
Pre Blowdown
The crowd gathers

So wanted to join these guys for the view they had
and there she goes!

Implosion to perfection.

down she goes as the dust rises up

Almost gone
and the dust rises up

look down the street to see the dust filling the street

the dust moves closer and closer

quite eery watching the dust moving towards us.
Perfect positioning the dust stopped moving at this point and began to settle

as the dust settles the crew start moving back to the site.

More crew moving in
Crew and moving equipment moving in, the moving equipment can just been seen in the dust cloud.

the coolest T shirts.

Emma walks back to the site after a successful Blowdown.
Notice the bakkie parked to her left

The bakkie I mentioned earlier

close up of the dust on the bakkie

the site  entrance on Bath ave

looking back to where we stood

the aftermath

nothing but rubble and a disabled parking sign that survived

one glove just lying in the dust

leaves lying on Bath ave covered in dust

rains drops and dust

Rose-hip berries and a smattering of dust

the roses after the dust had settled

the building next door

dusty first aid

The man of the moment - Mike

Clan up begins with the road being washed down.

foot print in the dust

birds eye view from the mall roof

Fire station wash down
Our yummy Frittata we made when we got home :)
 Link to the Rosebank Killarney Gazzette Video Clip on You Tube: