Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Emily's Steam & Camping Adventure

Emily has been the focus of a few of my recent post and I just have to post more about her as she really is the most precious little girl I know. At just over three months she is living life to it's fullest. This past weekend she did her very first camping adventure which I must say she took in her stride. Seems nothing phases this little girl and despite not having her awesome antique cot for the weekend she was really a happy little camper.
Amongst the train friends she is known as a true steam baby as she is the youngest grandchild in a family who are all steam train fanatics. This little girl was born with with steam flowing in her veins and is really happy riding trains all day. Although I must admit she does laugh more at her daddy when he makes funny duck noises. The pictures that follow are a few of Emily having a few chuckles with her daddy and riding trains with her mommy.

Awww daddy you make me chuckle.

riding trains with my Mommy

happy little camper having a nap


  1. Lovely photo's and Emily is certainly a good topic!

  2. More fantastic photography, and Emily certainly is a great subject!
